The Henson Journals

Mon 16 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 120


Monday, July 16th, 1923.

Haec est in gremium victos quoe sola receipt

humanumque genus communi nomine fovit

matris, nec dominoe ritu, civesque vocavit

quos domuit nexuque pio longinqua revinxit.

hujus pacificis debemus moribus omnes,

quod veluti patriis regionibus utitur hospes;

quod sedem mutare licet; quod cernere Tyylem

lusus et horrendos quondm penetrare recessus;

quod bibimus passim Rhodanum, potamus Orontem;

quod cuncti gens una sumus.

Claudian. On Stilicho's Consulship iii.150f.

These lines are clearly the original of which the English lines quoted on p. 12 of this journal are a free version. Ralph pointed this out to me, & found me the reference.

Clayton and I motored to Durham, where I presided at a meeting of the Barrington Trustees. We returned to lunch, and afterwards I took Ralph & Kitty to see Raby Castle. We found Lady Barnard at home. After tea I had interviews first with Petri about his ordination candidate, and then with Watts about the desperate financial situation in the parish of Shildon.

The weather is much cooler, & there seems some uncertainty as to the continuance of the brilliant days.