The Henson Journals

Fri 13 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 116


Friday, July 13th, 1923.

Instorum autem animoe in manu Dei sunt, et non tanget illos tormentum mortis. Visi sunt exitus illorum, et quod a nobis est iter exterminium: illi autem sunt in pace. Et si coram hominibus tormenta passi sunt, spes illorum immortalitate plena est. In paucis vexati, in multis bene disponentur, quoniam Deus tentavit eos et invenit illos dignos se.

I wrote to Madge Graham thanking her for her constant friendship to poor Marion. Also I wrote to Philps offering him the vicarage of Christ Church, Gateshead, which Davison vacates. Gouldsmith will go to Haughton–le–Skerne in the autumn: & I might get Wynne Willson to take on Sunderland.

Ralph & Kitty arrived during the afternoon: & then Georgie Tennant. Shebbeare & his wife came to stay the night. Ralph, William & I played bowls: the ladies played lawn tennis.

I received from the Editor of the British Weekly this telegram:–

"Many free church people England & Colonies would greatly value message from your Lordship on the claims of the Anglo–Catholic congress. Could you possibly send me short article 700 words or less reach me Tuesday morning?"

I wired agreement.