The Henson Journals

Wed 11 July 1923

Volume 35, Page 114


Wednesday, July 11th, 1923.


Ella and I went to Victoria Street in time to catch the 10.40a.m. train to Birchington. We were joined on the platform by Arthur Rawle and Miss Graham. Albert Henson also was in the train but we only discovered the fact when we reached Birchington. The funeral took place at 2.30p.m., the vicar officiated. Arthur, Ella, Arthur Rawle, Albert Henson and I were the mourners. Miss Graham & Miss Curtis were in the church, & a company of the neighbours including Major & Mrs Powell Cotton. The grave was well chosen on the south side of the Churchyard near The Church. After the service we discussed what might be the best arrangement for Carissima, now that she has lost her companion. Ella was insistent that she shd come to Auckland, and as she herself seemed to desire this, I readily acquiesced. Then we returned to London, & dined quietly at the Deanery.

Alexander sent a very nicely expressed letter of condolence from all the servants at the Castle. A good many wreathes were sent. Boyden, who used to wheel Marion about in the bath–chair, spoke with genuine affection of her. Indeed, I think no one could have come into personal contact with her without discovering her intrinsic excellence.

The great heat continues.