The Henson Journals

Sun 13 May 1923

Volume 35, Page 49


Sunday after Ascension, May 13th, 1923.

O God the King of glory, who hast exalted thine only Son Jesus Christ with great triumph unto thy kingdom in heaven; We beseech thee, leave us not comfortless; but send to us thine Holy Ghost to comfort us, and exalt us unto the same place whither our Saviour Christ is gone before, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.


This is a free translation from the Sarum, which runs thus:

O rex gloriae domine virtutum qui triumphator hodie super omnes celos ascendisti, ne derelinquas nos orphanos: sed mitte promissum patris in nos spiritum veritatis, alleluia.

I celebrated the Holy Communion in the Chapel. My guests communicated.

The General, Lady Kirkpatrick, and Ella accompanied me to Durham, where we attended morning service in the Cathedral, & heard the Archbishop of York preach an excellent sermon, in which he expressed his agreement with my Cathedral scheme. I insisted on pronouncing the Benediction myself in order to maintain the rights of my See ! Amery was staying at the Deanery. There were 4 quondam Fellows of All Souls in the Cathedral together – Lang, Henson, Pemberton, & Amery. After lunch at the Deanery, I motored to Gateshead & preached twice – to the Freemasons in Christ Church, & to the general congregation at S. Edmund's.