The Henson Journals

Thu 3 May 1923

Volume 35, Page 40


Thursday, May 3rd, 1923.


From the study of history the Church has everything to gain: from the critical examination of every existing movement, from the cultivation of a critical habit in every thinking being, the ministers of religion have nothing to fear, everything to hope.

Bp. Stubbs quoted by Coulton.

Brave and consolatory words by a very eminent medievalist! But the learned writer was conspicuously obscurantist. I do not recall a more timid and shrinking spirit when any criticism of "orthodox" tradition was proposed.

I wrote to the Abp. of Canterbury suggesting that the House of Bishops should utilise the July sessions of the National Assembly by discussing the recasting of the legal system. Also, to the Bishop of Chelmsford suggesting a change of ideas on the whole question of episcopal policy. I don't like the man, but he is persistent, energetic, & influential. The Archbishop urged me to get in touch with him as he carried weight in the counsels of his party .

The day was so fine and warm that I loafed about the garden all the afternoon. Archdeacon Derry & Mr Burrell came to lunch. They are engaged in admitting churchwardens at the Gate–house, and appear well pleased with their work.

If only we could solve the Ordination candidate problem, we could get along tolerably. But as it is –