The Henson Journals

Sun 29 April 1923

Volume 35, Page 36


4th Sunday after Easter, April 29th, 1923.


There was a large congregation in the Abbey Church at Mattins when I preached a sermon from the words:– "Why is my liberty judged by another conscience? – I took occasion to speak frankly about Prayer Book Revision. Somebody must have carried a report of the sermon to the Archbishop, for he rang me up on the telephone, and asked me to see him . Accordingly I called at Lambeth at 4.30 p.m: and talked with his Grace for an hour & a half in his bedroom, for he was supposed to have a touch of influenza, & had gone to bed. He expressed agreement with my general attitude, & pressed me on the necessity of a constructive attitude. He was constantly defending me against those who urged that I was merely destructive. He gave me the impression of being greatly perplexed. I attended Evensong in the Abbey Church, & heard a conventional sermon from a Canadian clergyman. In the course of the afternoon, I called on Lady Craik, and had a brief interview with her. She said that Sir Henry had been in the Abbey Church in the morning, & had brought back a "glowing" account of my sermon. On the other hand, the Dean was certainly not ardent, and Charles said that he could not hear what I said !!

I had much talk with Charles & his wife. Relations with the Minor Canons are evidently very strained, & the Dean is thought to be unduly influenced by them.