The Henson Journals

Fri 27 April 1923

Volume 35, Page 34


Friday, April 27th, 1923.

The weather became fine and warm. After breakfast, Cranford walked with me to the Athenaeum. There I dealt with such letters as had come for me, and then walked to Westminster, and called on Barnes, with whom I had much talk, & had luncheon. He confirms the story which Ralph told me last night on excellent authority, that when Mr Bonar Law's government was established in power of the General Election, Lord Rothermere called on him, & offered the support of his numerous newspapers. The Prime Minister made a civil acknowledgement, & said that undoubtedly such support would be valuable. 'It is best not to beat about the bush', said his Lordship. 'In plain language, I want an Earldom & a seat in the Cabinet.' Mr Bonar Law turned him out of the house, & as he left, he shouted threats of mischief which his press would henceforth inflict on the new government! Now, as the admirable Mr Tom Creevey would have observed, Did you ever? I called on Marion in the Roedium Home, & found her very cheerful, & looking wonderfully well . Then I returned to the Athenaeum, & wrote more letters. Finally, I walked back to the Deanery, & dined with my friends.