The Henson Journals

Sat 7 April 1923

Volume 35, Pages 11 to 12


Saturday, April 7th, 1923.

He who first declared that money is the sinews of affairs [^written in Greek^] would seem to have spoken with special reference to the affairs of war…. It is said also that Archidamus of old towards the beginning of the Peloponnesian War, when the allies ordered their contributions for the war to be fixed, said: 'War has no fixed rations' [^written in Greek^].

Plutarch 'Cleomenes' (x. 113)

The modern world draws most of its aphorisms from the Greeks.

Lord Derby was at breakfast. He had crossed from Liverpool during the night in order to carry out a crowded programme in the North of Ireland. Ella and I lunched with the Prime Minister, Sir James Craig, in order to meet Lord D. There was a considerable company, & a substantial lunch. I sate beside Lady Craig, & opposite Lord D., with whom I had much interesting conversation. He talked with much frankness & humour of his experiences in France, & told some good stories about old M. Clemenceau, & M. Briand. Before dispersing, we were photographed. On returning to Mount Stewart we walked for an hour in the grounds, the weather having improved, & the sun actually shining. The papers report the death of two very old men, who were acquaintances of mine – Sydney Gedge, aged 93 years, & Lord Biddulph, aged 89.


Lines written on a card above the grave of an officer of the 44th Canadians near Ypres.

The England that I died to save.

She alone, when conflict ceases, takes the vanquished to her breast;

Man as man regarding only, recking nought of East or West:

Motherwise she wins our fealty, binds us by affection's claim,

Warder of our Empire holds us, citizens beyond the main,

All her ways are peace: we praise her that of sov'ran realms alone

She bestows the right to sojourn in her borders as her own.

This the measure of her greatness, this the triumph she hath won.

By the Somme or the Orontes we are hers, and we are one!

These rather striking lines are quoted by Henry Benson M.A. in an article entitled "The brave that are no more", which appears in the "Belfast News Letter" today. They may be relevant to my sermon for April 26th.

I had a good deal of conversation with Lord Derby at dinner about ecclesiastical affairs. He is a stout Protestant & professes much affection for his Bishop, Chavasse.