The Henson Journals

Tue 3 April 1923

Volume 35, Page 5


Easter Tuesday, April 3rd, 1923.

The coronet which still encircles the mitre has not lost its lesson because he whose symbol it is has been relieved from the exercise of civil power. At Durham, Castle & Cathedral stand side by side, not as rivals, but as sisters. By their foundation, by their growth, & by their remodelling they witness to the same truth that life in its sharpest contrasts is still one, that the secular & religious are harmonised in a spiritual unity. The successor of Pudsey, of Bek, of Van Mildert, the tenant of Auckland, can never forget the breadth of his obligations, however the conditions of society are changed.

Westcott. Sermon at his Enthronement. 1890.

I spent the morning in clearing up my study, & making other preparations for my departure. After lunch I walked with Ella in the Park, and then wrote a series of letters to divers persons in West Hartlepool thanking them for their assistance on Good Friday.

I received a letter from the Archbishop of Canterbury disclosing some anxiety as to the course of the debate on April 16th . I sent him the proof of my article in the Edinburgh, & told him the rough lines of the speech I designed making. His Grace writes from the Deanery at Wells, not a very wholesome council–chamber for the Primate!