The Henson Journals

Thu 1 March 1923

Volume 34, Page 151


Thursday, March 1st, 1923.

I worked at the Penrith sermon, & paid the wages. Also I wrote to the Worshipful Master of the Wear Valley Lodge commending William's application for membership.

Clayton and I motored to Thorp Thewles (Grindon) where I confirmed 63 persons in the little church. The service was good, but the atmosphere was asphyxiating. Mrs Wlberforce Smith provided me with a quiet room where I remained undisturbed until it was time for us to go on to Stockton for the next Confirmation. I confirmed 194 persons in Holy Trinity Church. Here the service was certainly pleasing, but one can never really learn anything from one's own impressions. That unpleasant creature Milner, the Rector of Elton, presented two boys, whose ages were set down in his list as 13. He had not obtained my consent to this breach of the diocesan rule. This finishes the rural deanery of Stockton.

The numbers confirmed are:

Norton 55
Sedgefield 63
Stockton (1) 82
Grindon 62
Stockton (2) 194

In every case the discrepancy of boys to girls has been marked. I doubt if there have been more than one third of those confirmed who have been males. There have been few candidates under 14.