The Henson Journals

Mon 19 February 1923

Volume 34, Page 136


Monday, February 19th, 1923.


The snow is melting but there is much to melt, and the process implies an infinitude of slush.

Wallis called again with reference to the deplorable Gibson. He had received an immense communication from Haslewood, and brought it for me to see. I told him that he must write at once to the Bishop of L., and send either the communication itself, or the substance of it. I wrote to the Bishop myself. This incident is very disquieting, for the fellow was to be ordained next Sunday. How he managed about his papers is baffling. Did he actually fabricate them?

Morris, Vicar of S. Oswald's, writes to ask permission to get rid of his curate Jones, on the ground that he refuses obedience to his directions: He enclosed a preposterous correspondence which had passed between them. I must needs suspect that there is more behind Jones's behaviour than has yet appeared. I summoned him to meet me in Durham on Thursday.

William motored me to Darlington. On the platform I fell in with Ferens, the benevolent plutocrat of Hull. We travelled together as far as York. At Bishopthorpe I found most of the bishops. After dinner I had some talk with the Archbishop about the procedure to be followed when the House of Bishops meets on April 16th to consider Revision of the Prayer Book on the stage of General Revision.