The Henson Journals

Thu 8 February 1923

Volume 34, Page 122


Thursday, February 8th, 1923.


The heavy tempest which raged yesterday still continues. I received an extraordinarily foolish letter from Jones asking my advice as to his manner of celebrating the Holy Communion in St Oswalds. I sent him a curt reply directing him to take instructions from his vicar. It is almost incredible that an intelligent and self–respecting young clergyman should behave as he is behaving. Ex uno disce omnes. This is a specimen of Anglo–Catholicism.

I walked with Ernest and the dogs in the Park for an hour after lunch. Mr Malcolm Dillon lunched here. He wished to consult me about ecclesiastical re–arrangements in the district of Seaham, where Lord Londonderry is sinking a new pit. A colony of 500 houses will be built for the miners. This will bring a population of at least 2000 into those parts. He spoke of Seaham Hall, which Lord Lo has presented for use as a hospital. He said that it was rich in personal associations. Not only had Lord Byron been married there: but Lord Beaconsfield, who was thought to have designs on the old Marchioness, was a frequent visitor.

Moulsdale asked me to dispense his students & their guests from the obligation of the Lenton Fast on Friday, March 2 nd , which happen to coincide with the patronal festival of S. Chad's College. I acquiesced in the farce, & sent him the dispensation he asked for!!