The Henson Journals

Wed 24 January 1923

Volume 34, Page 98


Wednesday, January 24th, 1923.

Clayton went with me in the motor to Darlington. William traversed the distance from the Castle to the Station in 35 minutes, a fact which hardly suggests that the sweet youth heeds the statutory speed limit. I journeyed without incident to King's Cross: & then made it my first concern to have my hair shorn. In the Athenaeum I encountered Harold Cox, who is full of his last abominable crusade in favour of limiting population! I am largely in agreement with him, though I doubt the wisdom of pushing an open door with such ardour. The separation of sexual intercourse from any other purpose than that of carnal enjoyment is a matter that hardly requires the concerted efforts of the Bishops ! The Bishop of S t David's told me that the Welsh Bishops had met in conference about the Monmouth Use, and had spoken faithfully with the Bishop of Monmouth: that the said Bishop had taken time to consider what course he should adopt: and that at his last Ordination he had refrained from the ceremonies objected against, and had used the Prayer–Book service. I dined at a table with Ernest. He says that it is not unlikely that the offer of the Rede Lecture will be repeated next year. Lord Balfour was dining in the club, but I got no speech with him. He looks whiter and is getting stout.