The Henson Journals

Thu 12 October 1922

Volume 33, Page 166


Thursday, October 12th, 1922.


I finished the sermon for Bow Church, but I am yet doubtful whether it can prudently be preached. The wind blows strongly in the direction of "Anglo–Catholicism" within the church, and the general public is totally indifferent to all ecclesiastical concerns. The "Yorkshire Post" and the "Times" give great prominence to Ralph's new volume of Essays. It contains his statement of personal belief, "Confessio Fidei". There is a certain suggestiveness in their prominence.

After lunch I motored into Durham, & presided over the meeting of the Board of Training & Maintenance. We sate for more than 2 hours, & then returned to Auckland. It distresses me to see that almost all the men in this diocese, who are carrying on its work, are elderly or old. There appear to be no younger clergymen coming forward, and ready to take up the burden when its present bearers must perforce lay it down. I cannot think of any remedy for this evil. Ordination candidates are few & poor in quality. The men under forty are illiterate & nerveless. What must be the situation of this diocese ten years hence? It would be rather terrible to find one's self so plainly unable to man the diocese that its administration could no longer be undertaken, & one had to retire in disgraceful failure!