The Henson Journals

Fri 6 October 1922

Volume 33, Page 146


Friday, October 6th, 1922.

A most beautiful autumnal day. I left Glasgow after breakfast, and travelled to Carlisle, where I was courteously received at the Deanery. I found Rashdall much stronger than I had been led to expect. After lunch we walked together for more than an hour, & then attended Evensong at the Cathedral. A telegram from Evelyn Parker informed me that "owing to an outbreak of scarlet fever all arrangements for anniversary service at Seaman's Orphanage on Sunday have had to be cancelled". I decided in these circumstances to return to Auckland tomorrow, and sent a telegram to Ella to that effect.

Chesterton has been explaining why he has become a Papist. He says that he was led to his decision mainly by the Dean of St Paul's and Bishop Hensley Henson. Apparently, a church which could tolerate two such men among its clergy could not be genuinely Catholick!!

Mrs Stones the wife of the neighbouring Vicar of St Cuthbert's came to dinner. She said that one of her sons had just made his start at Durham School.

Rashdall and I talked much on ecclesiastical affairs, but we neither of us said anything that we had not said a thousand times before; so that our conversation left nothing worth recording!