The Henson Journals

Sun 9 July 1922

Volume 32, Page 203


4th Sunday after Trinity, July 9th, 1922.

Ella and I received the Holy Communion together in the School Chapel. It was a moving sight to see so many bright lads coming to the Sacrament. After breakfast with the Provost & Mrs Woodhouse his sister (to which meal 3 boys came) we went to Chapel for Mattins. I sate beside the Provost until the Holy Communion service began, when I went up to the Altar, & read the Gospel. After the Nicene Creed came a hymn, and then I preached. My text was S. John XXI. 18., but it had little connexion with the sermon, of which the "burden" was an appeal to Etonians to look forward to Ordination. The boys were very attentive, & I was assured that they were impressed. I lunched with the college, and afterwards walked with Ella into Windsor, & called on Mrs Baillie. The Dean was absent. His wife told me that he is not infrequently approached by wealthy man, who offer to provide whatever sums may be necessary for the restoration of St George's Chapel if only he will secure them a baronetcy! Old Canon Dalton met us in the street, &, after his own indecent fashion, began forthwith to speak of the prospective vacancy in the Primacy! "They say that Cantuar won't resign because he fears that he will be succeeded by the Bp. of D–m!" How preposterous & potentially hurtful this kind of fooling is! We dined with the Alingtons. I had some talk with Mr Dawson. Before going to bed, I talked with the Provost.