The Henson Journals

Sat 24 June 1922

Volume 32, Page 178


Saturday, June 24th, 1922.

A dull morning and with threatenings of rain, which developed into actuality of a vigourous down–pour in Oxford. William motored me to Darlington where I caught the 9 a.m. express. A "through carriage" was on the train, & I had no companion all the way to my comfort. I arrived about 2.45 p.m., and drove at once to Exeter College, where I was to stay with the Vice-Chancellor. Leaving my bags at the Lodge I went to Ripon Hall, where I interviewed an Ordination candidate named Woods, who desires to be ordained in September. He chose for his Anglican divine Jeremy Taylor's "Liberty of Prophesying". I had some conversation with Major, and with Brillioth, who is staying at Ripon Hall. Then I went to Exeter College, where Farnell received me with much kindness. After tea he walked with me in Worcester & St John's gardens, both more beautiful than I remember.

I dined pleasantly with the Omans. Carola & her husband were there, and two of the probationer fellows from All Souls. My godson, Charlie, was also there, an odd silent youth with an amiable but abstracted aspect, reputed to be interested in antiquarianism & history. After returning to mine host I had some talk with him before Mrs Farnell returned from the play (Molière) in New College Gardens: & we all betook ourselves to bed.