The Henson Journals

Wed 21 June 1922

Volume 32, Page 174


Wednesday, June 21st, 1922.


The "Yorkshire Post" quotes from the "Daily Telegraph" a rather angrily-worded letter by Bishop Gore, in answer to my Westminster Sermon. I thought it necessary to reply to this at once, & this business occupied my time until it was requisite to set out with Ella to Sunderland for the Missionary Festival. At luncheon with the Gouldsmiths we met the Bishop of Trinidad, a mild fatuous man, who pleaded that he had no mind to think clearly!! At the "Conference" in the afternoon the principal speaker was Brittain from Uganda. He spoke well on the development of race–consciousness in Africa. After the "Conference" there was a reception at Bishopwearmouth Rectory. At 6 p.m. the deputation from Westoe, South Shields arrived. There were 6 members of the Parochial Church Council, and they all held forth on the virtues of the Vicar. I told them that they ought to offer £300 and a house for the curate, and they might get one; but £250 with no house would not suffice in these days. I attended Evensong in S. Thomas's Church, and listened to a very poor discourse by the before-mentioned Bishop of Trinidad. After service we motored back to Auckland, arriving about 10.15 p.m.

Today the Prince of Wales drives through London in a kind of triumph – on his return from his Eastern journey.