The Henson Journals

Mon 19 June 1922

Volume 32, Page 172


Monday, June 19th, 1922.


Big Ben has now a consort as clamorous as himself – the new clock in the Abbey tower. Every quarter is doubly chimed, & the hours enormously emphasised. I heard the whole series from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m.!

After breakfast I had my hair cut. Then I went to the Ecclesiastical Comission, & had an interview with Downing. I went to Adeney in Sackville Street, & ordered a suit of clothes. Then I lunched with Sir Henry & Lady Craik. On his recommendation I went to Messrs Cockburn & Campbell, 14 Berkeley Street, Piccadilly, and ordered 5 doz Moselle. Also I called at Messrs Lock & Co. & ordered a new hat. Iremonger came in while I was there, & I spoke to him about my Durham Scheme.

Then I went to King's Cross, and caught the 5.30p.m. express to Darlington, where my William met me with the car.

The "Daily Telegraph" had a column of my sermon. The "Yorkshire Post", not only printed what I sent, which filled more than a column of its front page, but also had a sort leader on the subject. I hope that the sermon will have some effect in compelling Churchmen to realize whereto this Anglo–Catholick movement is really tending.