The Henson Journals

Tue 6 June 1922

Volume 32, Page 150


Tuesday, June 6th, 1922.

I left the Castle a few minutes before 10 a.m., and motored to Benwell Tower, taking with me luncheon. The Bishop of Newcastle was not able to join my expedition. So Caröe, I, and Wiliam motored to Chipchase Castle, a fine 14th century tower with a noble Jacobean mansion attached to it. We were courteously received by the present proprietor's wife & daughter. The latter acted as our guide. Miss Taylor was as well–informed as she was courteous. After lunching comfortably by the road–side, we went on to Borcovicus, and made an inspection of the Wall. The spectacle of that great fortification running across the moorland was most impressive. We returned by way of Haltwhistle, (where we had tea) and Alston to Weardale, which we traversed for its whole length, and arrived at Auckland about 7.45 p.m. The fineness of the weather and the amazing beauty of the country made our expedition very delightful. I had expected that we should have been annoyed by crowds of holiday–makers, but my fears on this point proved to be groundless, for the roads were almost deserted. Caröe showed much good–nature in explaining the Wall to William.