The Henson Journals

Fri 2 June 1922

Volume 32, Page 136


Friday, June 2nd, 1922.


William motored Caröe into Durham, and brought him back for lunch. I spent the morning in preparing a sermon for Whitsunday. The Revd W. T. Laverick Vicar of S. Simon, South Shields, came to see me. He is a rather weak lugubrious man to look at, and wants to get away from his parish, of which he gave an unpleasing account. But I ever suspect that when a parson complains of the parishioners, he omits to state the real source of the difficulty between himself and them. Slorak came with a disquieting account of the finances of C. F. B. Both these cheerful persons stayed to lunch. After lunch Caröe & I motored to Staindrop, where we inspected the church, and had tea. On the way we had visited S. Helen's Auckland. We went on to Darlington, and visited S. Cuthbert's Church. Here we were delayed for half an hour while William changed the front wheel. Then we motored back to the Castle, where we arrived about 7.45 p.m. Stephenson, the Rector of Gateshead, had arrived to dine & stay the night. After dinner I walked with him for an hour in the garden. I received a grateful letter from the young man whom I confirmed in Ferry Hill. Rather to my alarm he says that physical relief followed the spiritual ministry. "Previous to your Lordship laying his hands upon my head I suffered immense agony. But since that hour I have been a new man. I am gathering my strength together". And he was said to be dying!