The Henson Journals

Tue 30 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 131


Tuesday, May 30th, 1922.

I spent the morning in preparing an address on the Age of Confirmation candidates for the Diocesan Conference. After lunch Clayton and I motored to Stanhope where I confirmed 42 candidates. After the service we had tea in the Rectory, and walked in the garden. The Rector Shebbeare, is an interesting man of some distinction as a philosopher. He is at present engaged on an exposition of Hegel's philosophy. We had some discussion of the situation created by the Cambridge Conference, & he expressed himself very reasonably. He holds Major to be a sincere man, but also fundamentally an ass!

The sun–dial on the southern wall of Stanhope Church bears the date 1727, and the inscription "Ut hora sic Vita". Butler became Rector in 1725 and held the benefice until 1740 when he was appointed Dean of St Paul's, and resigned his other preferments held in commendam with the Bishoprick of Bristol. It is interesting that, when Bishop of Durham, Butler suggested a plan for establishing bishops in the American colonies.

After dinner Clayton & I walked in the garden & park for an hour. We picked up a 'hewer', and took him round the garden to show him the trees. He said he was 23 years old, and had worked in the pit since he was 14. He worked 4 shifts a week, & earned about £2:10:0. This hardly corresponds with the popular notion about miner's exorbitant wages.