The Henson Journals

Fri 26 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 125


Friday, May 26th, 1922.

I spent the morning in writing the sermon for the Bede College Students. After lunch Clayton & I motored to Haswell, where I confirmed 86 candidates. After service I had tea with the Vicar & his wife. The Revd George Sharp Skene is the son of a clergyman, & one of seven brethren all clergymen. This must be unusual in these days of small families & no Ordination candidates. He gave an ill account of the elementary school teachers, both male & female. They are anti–religious, &, in many cases, haunt the public houses. He thinks the plan which the Durham C.C. adopts, of placing the school–teachers in the districts where thy have lived, has an ill effect. They carry no proper influence, and fall into the current fashions.

We went on to Easington, where I confirmed 156 candidates. The parish church, dedicated to St Mary, is nobly placed, & is a fine church. It contains some 17th century bench–ends, & two interesting recumbent figures. The old Rectory, which is said to contain some 14th century work, has been sold, & the parson now resides in a rather mean modern house. We returned to Auckland by way of Coxhoe & Spennymoor, arriving about 9.30 p.m. After supper I wrote to Ella and Carissima, though it was rather like making bricks without straw to fill two sheets with the materials provided by my experiences of today.