The Henson Journals

Sat 13 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 100


Saturday, May 13th, 1922.

An Incumbent appeals to me against his curate, who declines to preach at Mattins on grounds of conscience. "I cannot for anyone preach at Mattins when substituted for the Mass – this is a matter of absolute principle with me, & I am sure you would not ask me to violate it." This is a new phase of Catholick scrupulosity. The young man who offered himself as an Ordination candidate last Thursday now writes rather impertinently to withdraw his name as he can't accept work in the diocese of Durham in existing circumstances!! Undoubtedly the absence of Ordination candidates is the 'Achilles' heel' of my diocesan administration.

Brigstocke brought a lad to be confirmed in the chapel. After the little service they both had tea. Later, a number of Sunday School Teachers came to service in the chapel, and I preached to them. The thrush on the door must be startled by so many comers & goers, but I trust her maternal devotion will overcome her natural Terrors.

This morning I wrote my decision in the case of X. (v. p. 83) It was necessarily a refusal to allow him again to officiate in this diocese. I could do not otherwise, but it was utterly hateful to me. "Judge not: and ye shall not be judged" said the Judge of us all: but how can we escape the task? Truly, S. James wrote wisely when he warned all teachers & censors that "they should endure heavier judgement".