The Henson Journals

Thu 11 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 97


Thursday, May 11th, 1922.

The weather is so warm that I can work with my window widely opened. Perhaps for this reason I feel physically disordered, and extremely disinclined for my duty!

On the 16th March I sent a parcel of books to Michell Pierce in Canada. This morning I received a letter from him thanking me for the gift. He says that the books arrived on Easter Eve i.e. April 15th.

Mr Bickmore, the Vicar of St Peter's. came to tell me that he had decided to resign his parish. He is but in his 61st year, & looks younger, but he alleges that his health is no longer adequate to the work, and that his wife's health is as little satisfactory as his own. Happily he has private means. The next appointment is in the Crown.

Archdeacon Derry, who is admitting Churchwardens, lunched here, and so did Burrill, his official.

The copies of the Memorandum arrived from Caldcleugh, and I sent 15 copies to Lawrence for distribution to Ld Cave's Ctee. Also I myself sent copies to the Archbishops, & the Northern Bishops.

Frank Berry motored me to Gateshead, where I confirmed 150 persons in the parish church, and had interviews with 4 persons. We returned to the Castle immediately after the service had ended, arriving about 10 p.m.