The Henson Journals

Wed 3 May 1922

Volume 32, Page 85


Wednesday, May 3rd, 1922.

I attended the celebration of Holy Communion in the palace Chapel at 8 a.m., and received the Blessed Sacrament. We despatched our business in the Convocation very rapidly, and I was able to return to Auckland Castle in time for dinner.

It was agreed beforehand that we would have no speeches, except that in which the Bishop of Ripon introduced the motion for adopting the doctrinal statement. Strong made an excellent speech, and in seconding it formally, I limited myself to a few compliments which were both deserved on his part, & sincere on mine. The Archbishop with his suffragans attended the Lower House, where his Grace formally communicated our pronouncement. It seemed to be very well received. Of the 78 lines which the Statement contains, 56 were taken from my draft: 18 from Strong's: & 4 were contributed by the Archbishop. One or two verbal corrections were supplied by other bishops. It is odd to reflect that four years ago I was being prayed against as a second Judas in many churches all over the country.

On reaching the Caste I received the unpleasant intelligence that the motor could not possibly be repaired this week, & that the Wolseley Motor Cy could not yet say when the car could be ready for use! This immerses me in great inconvenience, and, I fear, in much expense , for I am pledged to a round of confirmations next week. Then I miss William, and don't like to think of him hanging about in idleness for so long.