The Henson Journals

Sat 8 April 1922

Volume 32, Page 52


Saturday, April 8th, 1922.


A milder day, and misty. After breakfast Laws took me to the garden to plant six silver birches. William came with us, and assisted.

Ella, Clayton and I motored into Durham, and lunched with the Bishop of Jarrow. Then I presided at a meeting of the Diocesan Conference Committee, and afterwards we motored to Middleton St George, where I dedicated a memorial cross, in the churchyard. There was a considerable crowd, and the service was not without impressiveness, but the weather had become bitterly cold, & I had to speak against a keen east wind. As we passed through West Auckland on our way home, we ran over a dog.

Lady Lawrence and John arrived about 9 p.m., having failed to change at Darlington. Penelope & her maid had arrived during the afternoon. So the old house is full of young people. John Lawrence had expressed a desire to be confirmed by me, and I yielded to the request of his parents in consenting to confirm him. He is a clever but very delicate lad, whose mind is perhaps too much for his frail little body. How far it is really wise to associate religious experiences with personal preferences is a question not altogether easy to answer: but I like the boy, and he likes me: and there is something to be said for weaving friendship into religion.