The Henson Journals

Tue 14 March 1922

Volume 32, Page 5


Tuesday, March 14th, 1922.

Clayton and I left the Castle at 11.30 a.m., & motored to Durham, where I instituted two curates in the chapel of the other Castle. Then I went to Andrewes, and ordered some books for Michell Pierce. We lunched with Wilson very pleasantly. How being the other member if the party. I spoke to him with some earnestness on the subject of my Scheme, & expressed my hope that the University would ignore the vapourings of the Dean & the Archdeacon! Then, in the Chapter Office, I had an interview with one of the Deaconesses, who has had the temerity to read Evensong & preach in a parish church on the invitation of the incumbent! I spoke severely to her, & reserved judgement until I could hear from the Warden of the Deaconess' Society. We motored to West Hartlepool, where I was taken to a house, & confirmed there a sick girl. Then, after tea with Macdonald, I took in succession two confirmations, first, in S. John's Church where about 130 candidates were presented, next, in S. Paul's, where they numbered 150. I was struck by the large attendance of witnesses & others in both churches. We returned to Auckland immediately after these functions were concluded, & arrived at 10.15 pm. It is difficult when one sees large churches crowded with reverent and attentive congregations, & observes so many young people of both sexes coming up very gravely & devotedly to receive the laying on of hands from the Bishop, not to allow one's self to suppose that Religion yet retains its hold over the English people.