The Henson Journals

Wed 25 January 1922

Volume 31, Page 128


Wednesday, January 25th, 1922.

January 25th, 1922.

My dear Lady Eden,

I have enquired whether there is any precedent for a Bazaar & Tennis Tournament in the Castle Grounds, & there appears to be none. I do not feel willing to create one without very strong cause, as, in these days, such a precedent is likely to commend itself widely. Besides – this is for your Ladyship's private ear – I have a loathing for Bazaars, & would be loth to have one in my own ground!

Trusting that you will soon get the better of the Influenza, I am

Yours v. sincerely

Herbert Dunelm:

This was the answer I returned to a request for the use of the grounds for a Bazaar & Tennis Tournament for the Y.M.C.A. Apart from the reasons alleged in my letter, I should certainly not select that object for such special privilege. But mainly I am influenced by a fear that, if permission were once granted, it wd be often asked for.

Fearne came to my study after breakfast, & for 1 1/2 hours I dictated to her shorthand this blessed lecture for Middlesbrough. In that time I suppose I provided enough for (at most) 20 minutes delivery. This surely is very slow work.

After lunch Clayton and I went into Durham, where I presided at a meeting of the Bede College Committee: and afterwards had an interview with that foolish creature Rawlins of West Rainton. Then I returned to Auckland. Later, J. G. Wilson & I motored to Witton Park, and there I instituted the Rev. Charles Geeson to the Vicarage of that parish. There was a fair congregation and they listened well to my sermon. The service was not without a certain impressiveness, and, if Geeson be a man of brains & energy, he might make it the beginning of an effective ministry. We returned to the Castle and dined. Wilson returned to Durham and I went to my study and wrote to Dawson on the matter of the West Rainton School. I hope rather than believe that that business is settled.