The Henson Journals

Mon 2 January 1922

Volume 31, Page 108


Monday, January 2nd, 1922.


I left the castle at 8.10 a.m., and motored to Darlington where I took passage to London in the express which brought me in to King's Cross about 2.15 p.m. I drove at once to the Hospital in Euston Road, and had a short interview with Marion who was sufficiently cheerful. Then I went on to Park Lane, and deposited my bags. I went to the hairdresser, & had my locks shorn, & then returned to the Athenaeum, where I spent the rest of the day, and dined. Sir Henry Newbolt was there, and I congratulated him on his C.H. announced in the New Year's Honours' List. Arthur Headlam had some talk with me about Major's case. Of the 4 theologians to whom the Bishop of Oxford had referred Douglas's complaint, these thought there was no ground for an accusation of heresy, and one thought there was. I wrote to Ella. Graves, the nervy and garrulous writer, came to my table at dinner, and related a series of very aged chestnuts!

One result of the War is that the Club now includes La Vie Parisienne among the papers taken in for the reading of the members. This week's number is more than commonly indecent. I observed with interest that it appeared to be in much request! As I look at it myself, I record the fact without any suggestion of censure. But it is rather strange that a Club largely composed of grave & learned seniors should care to have a dirty print of that kind lying on its table. Some consideration for the servants, some of whom are young boys, might suggest that it is not suitable.

Simplicissimus is also provided, & this also is a coarse paper: but not quite so aggressively pornic as the French one. The appearance of these two papers, neither of which has the smallest value either literary or artistic, is, perhaps, an indication of the effect of the War on some English standards. "If they do these things in the green tree, what will be done on the dry?". When the Athenaeum has an appetite for such literature, what will find favour in the other Clubs?