The Henson Journals

Sat 12 November 1921

Volume 31, Page 37


Saturday, November 12th, 1921.

Barbara Lilley left for Hereford after dinner. I spent the morning in preparing sermons for tomorrow. Happily there were very few letters. The papers announce the death of Dr Forsyth of Hackney.

In the afternoon I presided over a meeting of the C.L.B. Council in the Castle. Gouldsmith was present, & afterwards told me about that woeful creature Dowson. His debts exceed £450, and include a considerable sum borrowed from a local Baptist minister. He is so plainly a worthless fellow that I refused absolutely to do anything more for him. He must traverse the entire cycle i.e. go to to the workhouse. I motored to Herrington picking up Clayton on the way. There I "welcomed" Canon Bell, who was beginning a mission in the parish, & made a short speech to the congregation. We motored to Gateshead, where we were hospitably entertained by the Rector. The weather had again become intensely cold. The number of unemployed in this town is very great, & there is considerable privation which the bitter weather greatly intensifies.