The Henson Journals

Thu 30 June 1921

Volume 30, Pages 41 to 42


Thursday, June 30th, 1921.

The results of the elections of Proctors for this diocese have been sent to me. They are illuminating, &, so far as I can learn, typical. This diocese enjoys the reputation of being an Evangelical preserve: yet of the 6 seats five will be held by High Churchmen, and only 1 by an Evangelical. Both Archdeacons would be reckoned High Churchmen. The Bishop of Jarrow is a liberal Evangelical, and I myself am ecclesiastically an outcast! The following have been elected:

Archdeaconry of Durham.

1. Moulsdale.

2. Brown.

3. Gouldsmith.

4. Barker.

Archdeaconry of Auckland.

5. Knowlden.

6. Cosgrave.

The edifying spectacle will be presented in the National Assembly of the Bishop of Durham being outvoted by his clergy!

I motored to Durham after lunch, and distributed prizes at the Speech Day of Durham School. There was a large attendance of parents. I made a speech. Fearon was there, & made a very happy speech. Later I dined with the Old Dunelmians, when Fearon presided. It was not a very exciting party, but there was a good spirit in it, & everybody meant well. William was waiting; and brought me back to Auckland shortly after 11 p.m.


The Epilogue recited yesterday at the Speech Day made reference my return to Durham very civilly.

We count it, Sire, a happy day

When we can welcome with our lay

One who in happy hour of yore,

As Dean and Durham's Governor.

Did here preside: one whose removal

We viewed with loyal disapproval;

One whose return in higher station

We greet with heartier approbation;

One who, though called o'er Sees to rule,

Does not forget our ancient School.

Such greeting should be done latine:

"O Gubernator Palatine,

Episcope Dunelmiae,

Salutem damus hospitoe."

Our homage paid, we can with glee.

Hail him as honorary O.D.

Whom re–united here tonight

We to our annual feast invite.

There was reference to Budworth's appointment to an hon. canonry, and to his collation thereto in face of the School. Bishop Welldon was rather significantly ignored in the Epilogue, and in the proceedings.