The Henson Journals

Sat 30 April 1921

Volume 29, Page 317


Saturday, April 30th, 1921.


The Bishop of Newcastle & Mrs Wild went off after breakfast. I attended the Chapter of the Rural Deanery, and addressed the clergy. Abp. Söderblom joined me at the lunch in the Vicarage. Afterwards I addressed the Ruri–decanal Conference. Then a deputation from Hartlepool, headed by Canon Macdonald arrived at the Castle to present the bound volume of addresses, presented to me on my entrance to the diocese. I received them in the State Room, and made a speech: afterwards they saw the Castle, and Ella gave them tea in the large dining room. Then I motored with Sőderblom as far as Lanchester, where we visited the extremely interesting parish church. The Roman columns, fragments of XIIIth century glass, and the Roman Altar in the porch fascinated the Swedish primate, who was lost in admiration at the spectacle of the Cathedral which we gained on our way home. The western sun illuminating the tower shewed the great building to advantage. The squalid little city is screened by the hills, & nothing detracts from the stern majesty of the mighty norman pile. It appears that the Hartlepool folk are looking forward to our meeting tomorrow with much expectation, and that there is some prospect of a "Communist" protest. I told Macdonald that, if a protest is presented, it should certainly be read. Possibly it might serve me as a text.