The Henson Journals

Wed 20 April 1921

Volume 29, Page 301


Wednesday, April 20th, 1921.

Lloyd George replies at length to the Bishop of Chelmsford as one of the signatories of a protest against the proceedings in Ireland. If the situation were normal, such a pronouncement from the Prime Minister would make an immense sensation. As it is, nobody will be in the smallest degree influenced one way or the other.

I frittered away the day in making preparations for my departure, especially in arming myself for my interview with Lea [Lee] for income tax purposes. The complexity & worry of those hateful yellow forms baffle belief. However, if once the beastly things could be intelligibly filled up, a load would be lifted from my mind.

The evening paper announces the death of poor Loxley. He has lingered a long time. I am glad I was able to give him a little pleasure by making him an honorary Canon. It was, of course, a small thing, but it did give the touch of official recognition, which hitherto his ministry had not received. I hope the Dean & Chapter, in whose patronage the living is, will not send there some extravagant "Anglo–Catholick", of the type now becoming so common. Loxley was very "advanced, but he was a genuinely religious man, and a hard–working parish–priest. The impression he made during his long ministry in Jarrow is said to have been very excellent and lasting. R.I.P.