The Henson Journals

Sat 26 March 1921

Volume 29, Page 237


Easter Eve, March 26th, 1921.

I finished the sermon for the Marvell Tercentenary. The expenditure of time in its preparation has been excessive, but I have found some compensation in acquiring a better acquaintance with Marvell's writings.

In the afternoon I inspected Bishop Cosin's desk., which is preserved with the heirlooms, and found in it several letters of interest about some of my predecessors, addressed to Bishop Westcott.

I wrote to the Mayor of Sunderland, Aglionby, Gamble, Fawkes, & Arthur.

Feb: 12th 1891. Letter from Lowther Barrington to the Bishop of Durham giving some account of Bishop Barrington his great–uncle.

Oct: 26th 1900. J. M. Clemens to Mr Boutflower, denying that the marble slabs in the State drawing room were ever parts of the Becket shrine in Canterbury Cathedral.

Ash Wed. 1893. Letter from Hon: Augusta Maclagan to Bishop Westcott: with reminiscences of Bishop Barrington.

July 4. 1894. J Grey Howick to Bp. Westcott about the sweat flags in the pond.

Oct: 2. 1900. H. Montague Villiers to Mr Boutflower about the slabs of marble in the State Drawing Room.

Sept. 21. 1877. Extract from 'Auckland Chronicle' giving an account of the pictures of the patriarchs by Zurbaran.

"A short account of the life of Richard Trevor', typed.

A note on the carpet & screen in the State Drawing Room.