The Henson Journals

Sun 20 March 1921

Volume 29, Page 225


Palm Sunday, March 20th, 1921.

O God, forasmuch as Thou has willed that so great a burden of duty should come upon Thy servant, do Thou give to him the strength to bear it. Guide Thou his judgement, cleanse Thou his vision, quicken Thou his conscience, kindle Thou his affections, that, through the power of Thy Holy Spirit, he may not fail to carry out Thy Purpose, and serve Thy People, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


I celebrated in the Chapel at 8 a.m. William communicated, but, of course, Ella was absent on her own unpleasant business – the old mumpsimus with a vengeance! The Sunday post brought a series of unpleasant letters, and nothing in the smallest degree consolatory! I wrote to Harold, Marion, and Bayley. In the afternoon I confirmed 165 candidates at St Andrew's. There was a considerable congregation. At Evensong I preached in S. Andrew's. Rather to my surprise the church was no more than four fifths full. I had assumed that there would be a great crowd! Probably the large congregation in the afternoon implied that many came then at the expense of their attendance at Evensong. I preached an old sermon on 'Repentance', originally composed for Westminster Abbey some 10 years ago. It seemed to be fairly suitable in view of the Easter Communion. William attended with the car, and brought me back to the Castle shortly after 8 p.m.