The Henson Journals

Wed 16 February 1921

Volume 29, Page 167


Wednesday, February 16th, 1921.

"Jesus, on Whom be peace, hath said, "The world is but a bridge over which you must pass, but must not linger to build your dwelling."

v. Pick. p. 100

This agraphon Dr Duff saw engraved on stone in large characters in Arabic, inside the chief gateway of a mosque in Sikri, about 24 miles to the west of Agra. It owes its survival, and wide dissemination, to the congruity of its teaching with the deep instincts of human nature. Marion wrote giving rather a disconcerting account of Carissima. It begins to look probable that we may have to face the blow of her departure. Time is inexorable, & she approaches four score.

Ella and I motored to Sunderland, & there I made a speech on Cruelty to Animals at the annual meeting of the Society for preventing it. Afterwards the Mayor gave us tea in his official parlour. On the return journey through Durham, we called on the Bishop of Jarrow.

I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury on the subject of the interpretation of the phrase in the Constitution, "actual lay communicant". It seems to me that their Graces cannot avoid the responsibility laid on them by the Enabling Act. They are legally constituted to be the interpreters of the Constitution. However undesirable the policy of definition in religions may be, there is no escaping the practical necessity created by the Act.