The Henson Journals

Tue 1 February 1921

Volume 29, Page 146


Tuesday, February 1st, 1921.


Why is it that belittling or malignant talk about others comes so easy to unquestionably Christian people? It does not imply any very profound dislike in most cases, and rarely any actual hatred. If the need arose, there would be eagerness to render help. But yet the bad habit of speech persists. "By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned", said the Judge of Men. It is a hard, nay a terrifying utterance from such lips.

I walked to the Club & wrote some letters. Then I went on to Westminster, & spent the day in the "National Assembly". The whole morning was expended in discussing a motion of Lord Wolmer to divide the Bill into two portions. This was eventually carried. In the afternoon everything went along at a great pace. I spoke twice but unavailingly. Indeed I never felt so entirely cast aside, and done with! The Archbishop is so evidently the obedient tool of Wolmer, Hugh Cecil, & Temple, that opposition is predoomed to fail. I walked back to St Paul's, & there found Ruth had arrived. The dear girl played my favourite tunes, & I was refreshed as Saul by David. Then I went to 108 Eaton Square, & dined with the Charnwoods. Antonia was looking very candid & pretty. I got back to the Deanery shortly after 10.30 p.m., and went at once to my bedroom. The weather has taken a distinctly colder turn, more seasonable and more healthful.