The Henson Journals

Wed 19 January 1921

Volume 29, Page 124


Wednesday, January 19th, 1921.

William motored me to the station for the early train, and I travelled very comfortably to London. From Darlington I had the company of Welldon who was starting for Uganda. At King's Cross I secured a taxi after some delay, and proceeded to the Club, where I deposited my bags. Then I went to the Hairdresser, & had my hair cut. Returning to the Club, I found Buckle, & had some talk with him. Then I carried my bags to 21 Park Lane, where I had tea, & received a note from Lady S. [Scarbrough] enclosing a latch key. There was a pleasant company at dinner, viz. Lady Lytton, Mrs Lowther, Lord Haldane, Mrs Davies, the American Ambassador's wife., & a son–in–law with his wife, also Hadow. I had a good deal of talk with Lady Lytton. She spoke with enthusiasm about the Prince of Wales.

Haldane seemed to think that there would be a disposition in the House of Lords to regard any measure affecting the Dean and Chapter of Durham as properly belonging to the National Assembly. There, however, I fear that my scheme for transforming the capitular foundation into an endowed Theological Faculty would be resented, partly, as alienating ecclesiastical property to academic uses, and, partly, as withdrawing a substantial amount from the divisible sum which could be allocated to the increase of clerical stipends. I must talk this over with the Archbishop.