The Henson Journals

Sat 15 January 1921

Volume 29, Page 118


Saturday, January 15th, 1921.

"For though a man prays with as much devotion and less interruption at home, and reads better sermons there, yet that will by no means excuse the neglect of his appointed part in keeping up the profession of Christianity amongst mankind."

Bishop Butler

Accompanied by Ella and Clayton, I motored to Shotley Bridge via Durham and Lanchester. There was much snow on the higher ground, and the boys were skating & tobogganing on the roads. We lunched with Mr Francis Priestman, and then went to the parish church of Benfieldside, a modern church set on a steep hill, very difficult of approach, and dedicated a tablet to the memory of the men from the parish who had fallen in the War. The Vicar, (Revd H. A. Mackenzie) had constructed a "special" hymn, by the simple process of re–casting Arkwright's well–known composition, & utterly spoiling it. I rebuked him for this performance very savagely after the service, leaving him in a mightily crestfallen condition, as indeed was sufficiently fitting. After having tea at the Vicarage, we motored back to the Castle where we arrived about 6 p.m. After dinner Clayton and I went through the correspondence, and I made some preparations for tomorrow. I note with satisfaction that Vernon Storr has been appointed Canon of Westminster. He might have had my succession in 1912.