The Henson Journals

Thu 13 January 1921

Volume 29, Page 116


Thursday, January 13th, 1921.

I spent two hours in revising, and adding to, an old sermon, with a view to rendering it available for use when I preach to the sectaries on January 30th. Then, accompanied by Clayton, I motored to Durham and lunched with Lillingston. Before lunch I went upstairs to see Charlie in bed, where he is recovering from an operation. I discussed the C.E.M.S with L., but didn't get much farther. The Society is really useless, but, like Charles II, it "takes an unconcionable time in dying"! I inquired what precisely was his tenure of the Diocesan Missionership, and, as I supposed, it has no legal connexion with the canonry whatever. There was an understanding between Bishop Moule and himself that, if he wd act as Canon Missioner, he shd be made Canon of Durham: & he is "honourably bound" so to act: but the understanding is not capable of being enforced, & is most probably illegal! Something very similar is the case with the Bishop of Jarrow. L. and I attended a meeting of the Lay–workers Association. Both the Archdeacons were present. Then I called to inquire about the progress of Bishop Quirk who is down with jaundice. We motored back to the Castle, & arrived at tea–time. Then we did the correspondence, and I wrote to Carissima. The weather, which has for some days been unwholesomly warm, became much colder today. We were glad to have the motor–car closed when we returned from Durham.