The Henson Journals

Sat 8 January 1921

Volume 29, Page 106


Saturday, January 8th, 1921.


'As being towed is not steering, and, on damage to the tow–line, may be shipwreck, so is an externally directed morality.'


Ella and Fearne went with me to Newcastle, where the Rural Dean of Chester–le–Street, (the Revd C.E. Little, Rector of Whickham) had gathered his Ruri–decanal Conference to "Welcome the Bishop". After lunching at the Station Hotel, we were taken to the Connaught Rooms, where complimentary speeches were addressed to me, & I made a speech in reply. Then we all had tea. We motored back to the Castle arriving about 6.30 p.m.

I received a formal communication from the Archbishop of Canterbury inviting me to join the Committee to inquire into "the property & finances of the Church as at present administered." His Grace adds a post–cript in his own hand urging me to accept:–

"The foregoing is of course formal. But I must add a line to say that considering the great questions of policy – quite apart from finance – which must inevitably occur, it is me judice [in my judgement] of the first importance that you shd agree to serve on the Committee. I am trying to make it as strong as I possibly can. The task is not an easy one."


That is sufficiently pressing. Nevertheless I doubt whether I shall do wisely in putting my neck into the noose.