The Henson Journals

Mon 3 January 1921

Volume 29, Page 98


Monday, January 3rd, 1921.

I attended mattins in the parish church. Beside the Rector, a curate, & myself there were none but the angels present. Then we came away, & motored back to Auckland, arriving at the Castle about noon. Among my letters were very kind ones from Lord Londonderry, Frank Pember, Lady Scarbrough, and St Loe Strachey. Also a canting effusion from Moore, the Vicar of St Peter's, Hereford. I walked with Ernest for an hour in the Park, & then did letters with Maish. Then Bayley arrived, and explained to me the financial position of the Cathedral, which is tending to improve by reason of recent sales of property, though the great increase of wages & charges goes a long way towards counteracting the improvement. The fabric & the school are clamouring for large new expenditures. Bayley expresses high approval for my scheme for connecting the canonries with professorships. It would provide a well equipped Faculty of Theology.

1. Regius Professor of Theology.

2. Regius Professor of Hebrew.

3. Regius Professor of Greek.

4. Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History.

5. Regius Professor Comparative Religion.

The two Archdeacons would hold canonries, & these only would be in the gift of the Bishop. To assist in providing their incomes, the two little united parishes in the Bailey might be annexed.