The Henson Journals

Sun 19 December 1920

Volume 29, Page 76


4th Sunday in Advent, December 19th, 1920.

The Ordination was very solemn and moving. Watson preached an excellent suitable sermon, and the music was very helpful. I was rather surprised, however, at the smallness of the congregation. We lunched at the Deanery and then motored to Seaham, where I dedicated a tablet to the memory of the late Marchioness of Londonderry. After tea in Seaham Hall, we went to Wynyard in order to stay a night with the Londonderrys. We attended Evensong in the Chapel, and then dressed for dinner. There was nobody but Mr Sanderson from Ireland, and the Londonderrys themselves with Lord Castlereagh, who has grown a tall lad curiously like his grandfather. We had much interesting conversation on many subjects, and separated to go to our bedrooms in high good humour with one another.

Before leaving Durham I had some talk with Knight about Houghton–le–Spring. He is, I think, attracted by the prospect of coming north to a great charge, but he rather shrinks from the obligations of large parochial work.

Also, I consulted the Bp. of Jarrow as to the disposition of the vacant honorary canonries. He approved my intention of bestowing one on old Loxley of St Oswald's, & the other on Ellershaw.