The Henson Journals

Sun 21 November 1920

Volume 29, Page 43


Sunday, November 21st, 1920.

O God, withdraw not from me the strength & comfort of Thy Presence, for apart from Thee I can do nothing. Have compassion on my weakness, & forgive my transgressions. Break the power of sin over me, and set me free from its dominion. Regard not my faults but the needs of Thy people, and make me able to serve them in Thy Name, for Christ's sake.


I celebrated the Holy Communion in the chapel at 8 a.m. Ella, Fearne, and 3 maids, beside Maish & myself communicated. After breakfast I prepared a sermon for use at West Hartlepool in the evening. We started at 2.25 p.m. & motored to Seaton Carew, where the Swedish Bishop of Skära was staying. As he speaks hardy any English, and I speak no Swedish at all, our conversation was limited to partially unintelligible compliments! We went on to West Hartlepool, where I preached at St Aidan's Church, it being the parochial festival. There was a good crowd. My text was from S. Matthew V. 14–16. After supper with the Vicar (Knowlden) we motored back to the Castle arriving about 10.30 p.m.

Knowlden has been at S. Aidan's for no less than 23 years. He has a population of about 8000, and an electoral roll of over 2000. But, rather unaccountably, his communicants were only about 300 at Easter.