The Henson Journals

Sat 6 November 1920

Volume 29, Page 18


Saturday, November 6th, 1920

I spent the morning in an improvised study. Here I wrote most part of a sermon for tomorrow's function at St Andrew's, Roker: and also some indispensable letters. After lunch we motored to Sunderland, and put up under the roof of Canon Gouldsmith. As we passed through the streets, a child came near to suicide by running suddenly in front of the car. William jammed on the brakes, & avoided the major disaster at the cost of a minor calamity. I heard an ugly sound which later was found to have been the snapping of the brakes! So the car is "hors de combat" for an indefinite period. A local doctor & his wife came to dinner, & we had some agreeable conversation. But I was depressed about the car, which just now is more than commonly needed.