The Henson Journals

Sat 7 August 1920

Volume 28, Page 75


Saturday, August 7th, 1920.

We finished the Encyclical, interrupting our labours before lunch in order to make presentations to the Archbishop and Mrs Davidson. This was a very successful little function. Lang presided, & made a very felicitous & humourous speech in moving a resolution expressing the admiration & affection of the Conference for its President, and thanking both the Archbishop & his wife for their hospitality. The Bishop of Tennessee (Gailor), as presiding bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church of U.S.A. then presented the primatial cross to the Archbishop, and the cheque to Mrs Davidson. Speeches were then made by the Archbishop of Armagh, and the Metropolitan of India. The Archbishop of Canterbury replied with much feeling, & Mrs D. said a few words of thanks. Then the Benediction was given, & we went to lunch. We finished our business at 5 p.m. & had tea in the garden. Several of the American bishops thanked me for my share in the proceedings. The Bishop of Southern Ohio said he hoped I would visit his diocese, & deliver some lectures there: but I replied that a Bishop of Durham had little likelihood of the requisite leisure. [I think the fanatical vehemence of the Bishop of St Alban's rather startled some of the Americans, who, however, are not without similar bigots in their own country.] Everybody was greatly delighted at having reached the end of the Conference, but whether the effort has been worth while may be questioned.