The Henson Journals

Thu 5 August 1920

Volume 28, Page 72


Thursday, August 5th, 1920.

After writing some letters in the Club, I walked to Lambeth. The amended resolution, being found unacceptable to the Pope of Zanzibar, it was again postponed: and we settled down to the missionary problems Report. This was finished without much trouble by lunch–time: and then Burge introduced the Report on Spiritualism, Christian Science, & Theosophy. He played his part excellently, & made a great impression on the Conference. I offered a strenuous opposition to a Resolution urging the recognition & regulation of Healing in the Church. There was a brisk discussion, & in the end an amendment moved by the Bishop of Massachusetts (Lawrence) was passed [by 64 to 60] cutting out most part of the Resolution. The Bishop of Chester (Luke Paget) made an excellent speech. [The Bishop of St Alban's (Furse) again spoke very fanatically.]

In the luncheon interval a photograph of the bishops who had worked in the Diocese of Durham was taken. I think the number was 25, including the following English diocesans ‒ Durham, Rochester, Lichfield, Peterborough, & Wakefield.

I bought for £1. the chair on which I have sate during the Conference, & the bag thereunto annexed. I dined in the Club, at the same table with McArthur, the Bishop of Southampton. He was at the Conference of 1908, and thinks that the level of intelligence in the bishops is higher in the present conference than it was then. The speaking, also, is in his judgment superior. I find it difficult to accept this view, for neither intelligence nor oratory has been me judice impressive in this assembly.