The Henson Journals

Fri 30 July 1920

Volume 28, Page 62


Friday, July 30th, 1920

The Reunion Report went through with little difficulty, almost without alteration, to the manifest relief of the Archbishop. Lang was in charge of the resolutions, & on the whole, did his part well. There were two dangerous moments. First, when the Bishop of Vermont (Hall) denounced the whole Report as inherently inconsistent with Catholic principles: and, next, when the Bishops of Ely & Gloucester made an attempt to alter the resolution. The Conference, however, was in no mood for controversy, & had plainly set its heart on getting something done. The Bishops of Western New York (Brent), and Pennsylvania (Rheinlander) refused to follow the lead of the Bishop of Vermont, who could only carry 3 bishops with him when the vote on the Address was taken. Somebody suggested the singing of the Doxology when the Address was adopted, & this was done with much fervour. The Bishop of Zanzibar was much applauded when he refused to follow the Catholick minority. It is almost amusing to notice the compliments which are poured out on this odd prelate, who only a few months since was hurling anathemas against all the bishops for their refusal to excommunicate me as a heretick! The Evangelical bishops appeared to be greatly pleased with the day's work, and, perhaps, the painful efforts at self–justification, which the Catholicks made, may be taken as some evidence that they feel themselves beaten.