The Henson Journals

Tue 13 July 1920

Volume 28, Page 44


Tuesday, July 13th, 1920.–

I spent the day at Lambeth in Committee on Reunion. The Bishops of Pennsylvania (Rheinlander) & Winchester (Talbot) led off with lengthy speeches on the Ideal of Reunion, which was, of course, so stated as to make Episcopacy essential, & to disallow any recognition of non–episcopal orders. They were followed by [the egregious] Chelmsford. There was a sharp passage of arms between the Bishop of Gloucester & myself over the historical point whether the English Church had recognized presbyterian orders: & I was treated with some rudeness by one of the Scottish bishops (Maclean). In the afternoon the Bishop of Madras expounded the situation in South India, & expressed himself with some warmth, indicating that he would reconsider his position as an Anglican bishop if he were required by the Conference to refuse recognition of their ministry to the non–episcopal ministers concerned in the scheme for a South Indian Church. [I met Fearon, lately Archdeacon of Winchester, in the club, and Gee. Both were most friendly. We transferred ourselves from the Deanery of St Paul's to 20 Dean's Yard, where we became the guests of Canon and Mrs Temple. There was a pleasant dinner party. Sir Henry & Lady Craik with Col: & Mrs Hill were also guests. I had some talk with Temple before going to bed. He expresses himself very fairly.]